Throat Desease

Sore throat is a common symptom of a viral infection, but can be associated with other serious throat disorders. Learn more about causes, evaluation, & treatment for

Ear, nose, and throat related conditions. Includes information on laryngitis, earache, tinnitus, hearing loss, and more.

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WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms Ear ache, Ringing in ears and Sore throat and including Viral

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Diarrhea can be related to a viral or bacterial infection, or it can be the result of food poisoning. It generally disappears without any treatment.

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Throat cancer — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, treatment of pharyngeal cancer and laryngeal cancer.

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What Is a Sore Throat? A sore throat can be a symptom of many infectious diseases. Viral infections such as the common cold, influenza *

Bacterial throat infections . Throat infections can usually be categorised into the following: Bacterial throat infections; Viral throat infections

Meniere disease is a disorder characterized by recurring attacks of disabling vertigo (a false sensation of moving or spinning), fluctuating hearing loss (in the

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Introduction Each year approximately 37 million Americans suffer from sinus related diseases. What is more, Americans spend $5.8 billion each year on health care

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Throat disorders can range from allergies to more serious diseases such as tonsillitis. Learn more about the different types of throat diseases & common symptoms on


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