Gay Marrige Statistics

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Gay Marriage Statistics : Data : Total percentage of Americans who support allowing marriage for same-sex couples : 42%: Percent of Americans who oppose gay marriage

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A history of homosexual relationships, same-sex unions, and gay marriage from ancient Egypt to Proposition 8.

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Feb 07, 2007 · Video embedded · Doug explains why marriage shouldn’t be legal, gay or otherwise

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Attitudes on same-sex marriage by generation. The increase in the share of adults who favor same-sex marriage is due in part to generational change.

Around the world and in the United States, the pace of same-sex marriage legalization has picked up in recent years. Of the 15 countries worldwide to permit gay men

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Marriage news and opinion Vivian Parkin DeRosa, Contributor Teenage writer, poet, and intern at Project Write Now

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Divorce Rates Part of the Divorce Statistics Collection, from Americans for Divorce Reform Polls | Legislation | Articles/Opinion | Quotations | Other family-related

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Jun 12, 2015 · The Supreme Court gave proponents of same-sex marriage two major victories in 2013 — striking down parts of the Defense of Marriage Act.

Unlike the romantic weddings of today, marriage in ancient Rome was an arrangement between two families. Like much of Roman society, it was highly structured but also

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